Reconnecting with Your Inner Spirit was originally published in Today’s Florida Women Volume II Issue IX
Working on reconnecting with your inner spirit? Set a goal of expanding your horizon with positive actions. Your goal is to do, give or help in your community. Yes, you do have the time and can make a difference. Below is a list of simple activities that would mean so much to others and reward your soul.
- Go through your book collection and separate out those that can be donated and bring them to your local library.
- Adopt a street and set aside one hour a month to clean up the side of a roadway.
- Volunteer to be a baby cuddler at your local hospital’s baby unit.
- Collect your gently read magazines and donate them to an elder care center.
- Buy Girl Scout Cookies and bring them to a hospice house.
- Donate something to
- Sort through your assortment of stuffed animals and machine wash those to donate and bring to a dog adoption shelter.
- Start a walking club, keep attendance, give points and prizes for attendance, charge dues and have a big fundraiser once a year for charity.
- Scour your cupboard for non-perishable food to donate and ask your neighbors to do the same; collect it all and deliver it to a nearby food pantry.
- Initiate a book club to meet in your home; invite your friends and ask each one to bring one other person.
- Collect baby clothes and bring them to a home for unwed mothers.
- Buy a gigantic package of napkins and paper plates and donate them to a child care center.
R- Rally Support For Your Causes
I- Initiate Activities that are Win-Win
S- Service Others Without Seeking Reward
E- Embrace Those That You Impact
Jean E. Juchnowicz is the owner of Human Resources Simplified, a local human resources consulting company, helping businesses do more with less. Human Resources Simplified is an experienced and full-service human resources consulting company providing clients with strategic people and team planning, recruiting, training, mentoring and facilitating using consulting and coaching. If you have staff, we have solutions. Win the game of business with our specialists. Our team is focused on serving our clients Human Resources services in Sarasota, Bradenton, Lakewood Ranch, Venice and all along the Suncoast!

Jean (JJ in HR) is a certified senior-level human resources executive/consultant, adjunct professor, management trainer, professional speaker, resume writer, career coach, LinkedIn profile builder, and published author.