Looking Forward: Human Resources Trends for 2019. As shocking as it seems, we are finally in the final stretch of 2018. We have been enjoying full employment, good applicant choices, and a bull stock market. Let’s do a quick review and talk about what might be upcoming Human Resources trends for 2019.
There are fewer unemployment claims, fewer workers’ comp injuries, immigration confusion, and trade wars. However, skilled talent is still a problem on the recruiting front. Per the Society for Human Resource Management, the top ten hard-to-fill jobs for 2018 are:
• Application software developer
• Construction laborer
• Financial advisor
• Home health aide
• Information security analyst
• Medical services manager
• Nurse practitioner
• Personal care aide
• Physical therapist
• Truck driver
Take note that five out of these ten jobs are in healthcare. The healthcare sector is poised for disruption but is growing because baby boomers are aging and leaving the workforce. That healthcare need will continue. Major employers from outside the industry are quietly planning to deliver care to their staff in radically new ways promising lower cost and efficiency. Amazon, JPMorgan Chase, Apple, and Berkshire Hathaway are leading the way. Stay tuned to learn more about this in 2019.
We have a gig economy. Almost 40% of the working population are participating in this way of working. We in human resources must recognize this and managed employee engagement for both staff and gig workers. Offering gig opportunities can also take some stress off your current employees during a busy time or growth period, so don’t avoid considering this. But manage the process to engage and encourage teamwork between both categories of staff.
Turnover is seasonal and cyclical — and sometimes geographic — in many industries, especially retail and hospitality. If the educational institutions can recognize and attract this group to return to school, they could fill these important jobs and work year around.
If you’re in HR, you know that the health of your staff is paramount. Refresh your wellness program. Reminding employees and offering up resources to help with nutrition, sleep, fitness, etc. can have a great impact on both work and life to help make your employees the best they can be. But be continuous with this process, don’t hit and run…role model this from the top down. Talk it up and mean it.
Lastly, education and skills training are critical. There are so many choices today, from online microlearning to achieving a specialty certification in a high-demand, low-supply industry. Think about this: “We Now Accept the Fact that Learning is a Lifelong Process of Keeping Abreast Of Change. And the Most Pressing Task is to Teach People How to Learn.”– Peter Drucker
Human Resources Simplified is an experienced and full-service human resources consulting company providing clients with strategic people and team planning, recruiting, training, mentoring and facilitating using consulting and coaching. If you have staff, we have solutions. Win the game of business with our specialists. Our team is focused on serving our clients Human Resources services in Sarasota, Bradenton, Lakewood Ranch, Venice and all along the Suncoast!

Jean (JJ in HR) is a certified senior-level human resources executive/consultant, adjunct professor, management trainer, professional speaker, resume writer, career coach, LinkedIn profile builder, and published author.