
About Jean Juchnowicz

Jean (JJ in HR) is a certified senior-level human resources executive/consultant, adjunct professor, management trainer, professional speaker, resume writer, career coach, LinkedIn profile builder, and published author.

Resume Hacks for Experienced Workers

By |November 2nd, 2016|

Resume Hacks for Experienced Workers originally published on the association for talent development website.

Last week, we held a webcast with three of the contributors from Find Your Fit, which was published on October 20. We had many questions from the participants—and couldn’t get to all of them within our timeframe. So, we’ve included responses to […]

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November Interview: Barbara Richards on… What a Business Owner Needs to Know to Hire an Ex-Offender and Why

By |November 1st, 2016|

Q: Why should a business owner consider hiring a former offender?

A:  Hire an ex-offender because former offenders who are motivated to turn their lives around are some of the best workers an employer can find. Any former offender who has any other options in life does not want to return to prison or jail and […]

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October Share: Terri Groening on… Ignore, Worry or Act

By |October 1st, 2016|

You know there is that big thing coming up in your life. It may be a big interview, an important meeting with your boss or a critical move in your personal life. Whatever the issue is, it is constantly at the back of your mind. You promise yourself you will get around to it soon. […]

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September Interview: Ray Reher on… Financial Data Management and Reporting for the Small Business Owner

By |September 1st, 2016|

Q: What are you seeing as a major need of small businesses in your role as their interim CFO and/or assisting them to get to their next level of growth?

A: The biggest single need that I see at small businesses is the need to have sufficient and appropriate financial data management to support the decision […]

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August Interview: Jackie Simmons on… Three Ways to Stop the Stampede of Inter-Office Sabotage

By |August 1st, 2016|

Q: When you say inter-office sabotage, what do you mean by that in the context of working in a company?

A: Imagine that you have a report due tomorrow and you decide to take an extended lunch break putting the report off.. at the time it seemed like a good idea. The consequences could be rather […]

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July Interview: Gerald Schoenfeld on Increasing the Influence of Women in the Workforce And In Top Leadership Positions

By |July 1st, 2016|

Q: Women remain underrepresented across organizations—especially at senior levels of leadership—a Fall 2015 survey by LeanIn.org and McKinsey consultants found. What are the reasons for this?

A: Increasing the Influence of Women in the Workforce is important as underrepresentation of women in senior leadership positions continues to be problematic. Common explanations have focused on gender-based discrimination […]

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June Interview: Jennifer Fowler-Hermes – In the Spotlight: The Expanding Scope of Protections for the LGBT Community

By |June 1st, 2016|

Q: The news is currently covering the topic of LGBT–Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transgender—rights in the workforce and in schools and particularly the expansion of these rights. Can you explain what is going on regarding this?

A: Efforts to expand civil rights laws to include sexual orientation and gender identity are not new. What is new is a growing support […]

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May Interview: Art Emrich on Organizational Culture- From Values to Behaviors

By |May 1st, 2016|

Q: Organizational culture seems like a fuzzy term; we know it when we experience it but how is it formally defined?

A: In the conceptual model that I use, organizational culture is defined by four aspects that all work together to mutually reinforce each other. This self-reinforcing aspect makes for clear, powerful information and action processes […]

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February Interview: Melanie Hancock Brown on Employee Benefits Concerns for 2016

By |February 1st, 2016|

Q: What are the three most important employee benefits concerns for this year, in your opinion?

A: I think employers are looking at ways to reduce costs, reduce liability and alleviate uncertainty. Despite the Affordable Care Act’s promises of reduced costs, many employers are still facing rising healthcare costs and looking at alternative strategies to try […]

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Working with Difficult People: Test Your Coping Skills

By |January 8th, 2016|

Working with Difficult People: Test Your Coping Skills!

How good a “coper” are you? Test yourself by answering the following questions True or False.

The best way to deal with an office gossip is to listen carefully to what he says. After all, that’s how to find out what’s going on at work.
If your boss […]

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