Expert witnessing is extremely important in legal disputes. An expert witness is a witness who has knowledge beyond that of the ordinary lay person enabling him/her to give testimony regarding an issue that requires expertise to understand (uslegal.com). Determining if an expert is needed are what attorneys must decide based upon the case. In the realm of employment law, the areas of harassment, discrimination and discharge are typically where lawsuits arise for a company.
The Expert Institute (theexpertinstitute.com) mission statement is: to help our clients be better advocates by providing them with access to the best expertise. They connect legal firms of all sizes, from solo practitioners to American Law Magazine Top 100 firms, with expert witness solutions across every area of practice.
Serving as an expert witness is an important role for a human resources expert. In practice, it involves:
- Ensuring that your body language is positive
- Telling the truth always
- Listening carefully for understanding
- Taking a breath between listening and answering
- Answering only the question asked
- Ensuring that your body language is positive
- Telling the truth always
- Listening carefully for understanding
- Taking a breath between listening and answering
- Answering only the question asked
We offer human resources management on a monthly retainer basis, a project basis or an hourly basis.
“There is nothing worse than a pompous expert.” – Judge Haskell M. Pitluck
Contact Us Today for a Free 30 Minute Consultation!
jj@humanresourcessimplified.com | 941-926-8888 | 877-778-4477